I was hoping to show some of the quilting done on this. The gal that quilts for me is so artistic and makes an otherwise very plain quilt...not so plain......

These pictures realy don't do justice to the quilting.
Now for a juicy tidbit of info you will all be VERY interested in ......
Margaret (the quilt shop lady) claims she has worn out at least a dozen pairs of these.

These are rubberized gloves. When making a quilt and it is big and clumsy and your shoulders get tired from holding, guiding, and pushing the quilt into the sewing maching, the 'machingers' really help in hanging on to it and giving some leverage as you push it into the sewing maching. Now I know that is clear as mud, but believe me it really works!!!
I've seen those gloves but never talked to anyone who used them. I might have to give them a try sometime. Sure could have used them on my denim circle quilt. But it's done now. I'll post about it soon.